How to create truly powerful user personas that will awaken empathy and help you create better services? And how to…
We've made a few nice tweaks to UXPressia. Such moving stuff around the dashboard and a new refined CJM Templates…
Customer Journey Mapping may seem to be a technique for improving existing products. Well, not quite so. CJM can help…
So much ado about these personas. Why do you want to use them? Well, there are many reasons and benefits.…
Creating a CJM just to put it on a shelf is a bad idea. You customer journey maps must be…
Ho ho ho! The New Year 2017 just knocked at our door and that holiday whoop-de-do is just starting to…
There are so many ways to screw up when doing customer journey mapping. You don't want that. Let's see what…
What should be taken into consideration when analyzing a customer journey map? In this post, we'll give you seven things…
When you hear about customer journey mapping, it's hard to skip the word "touchpoint". It comes up quite often. What…