Excellent customer experience starts with great employee experience.
Leverage employee journey mapping to identify gaps in your employees’ experience and make them more engaged and productive.
Each group of your employees has a unique set of goals, pain points, and motivations.
Find the right lens to look at their experience: turn them into personas based on their journey stage, job role, location, or events.
View the big picture to see the sum of all the employee's experiences during their time with your organization or focus on specific journey stages (e.g., job search or onboarding) to get more insights.
Switch between panoramic and up-close perspectives using different map Views you previously set up.
Visualize employee experience across your organization, identify critical touchpoints at different stages, measure their performance, and specify who is responsible for touchpoint-related tasks.
Employee journey mapping whitepaper with trends and tips
EJM cheat card deck in the PDF format
18 svg images to use in your map
32 employee journey icons
A journey of each employee is unique but all employee journeys have much in common. Check out what we have to offer to help you get started with your own map.
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