
Customer Interview Techniques: Four Free Events in September

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We’re starting off autumn with a series of free online events focusing on customer interview techniques

To map out your customers' journeys accurately, you need to research first to back them up with real data. Doing customer interviews is one of the best ways to get such data. But interviewing people and learning from them is much harder than it seems at first glance.

Every Tuesday, from September 8 to September 29, join Nick Efimov, Chief Product Officer at UXPressia Academy, live to learn everything about different interview techniques. You will learn how to get the most out of your customer interviews, avoid the potential pitfalls when interviewing people, and you will also have a chance to put knowledge into practice. 

The customer interview series

Each event will be devoted to specific interview techniques:

At the first event in the series, Nick will talk about open-ended and closed-ended questions and possible difficulties. There will be practical cases to solve and an interactive part with the chatbot. 

The second event will cover the Five Whys technique that helps to get to the problem's root cause. Theory, practical cases, interactive exercises, and practical activities — these are only some of the things to expect on September 15.

At this event, you’ll learn everything about the customer interview technique that helps to achieve a deeper understanding of the issue, allowing you to explore the context around the situation, who's involved, who's affected, etc.

The fourth event will be about two techniques — Echo and Boomerang— that help to answer customers' questions during an interview the way that allows you to talk less and learn more. 

Ready to learn all the nitty-gritty of customer interview techniques? Register to our September events now!

Tanya Levdikova

Head of Content @ UXPressia

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