What makes a journey map more than a pretty picture decorating a wall? The data it contains! The data which helps you accurately reflect the real experience of your customer and makes your map a strategic tool supporting business transformation.
Some mappers spend weeks or even months visualizing their customers’ experiences, only to realize how the experiences on the map are different from reality.
By sourcing deep-dive data for customer journey maps, you ensure that real problems are solved and eliminate new problems that could arise from solving the assumptive ones. But how to get this data and create truly data-driven journey maps and personas?
On November 22, we had a webinar with Chidera Okolie, the Customer Experience Designer at The Alternative Bank arm of Sterling Bank, where she talked about the best practices of crafting truly data-driven journey maps that resonate with the actual experience and catalyze meaningful business transformations.
Watch the session recording to learn how to: