
You Can Make Task Grid in UXPressia!

Looking for a magic task grid maker? UXPressia has something to offer to you. Check out this how-to post, maybe…

March 15, 2017

Good Personas vs. Bad Personas

How to create truly powerful user personas that will awaken empathy and help you create better services? And how to…

March 8, 2017

Start Off on the Right Foot with CJM

Customer Journey Mapping may seem to be a technique for improving existing products. Well, not quite so. CJM can help…

February 20, 2017

3 Killer Wins of Using UX Personas

So much ado about these personas. Why do you want to use them? Well, there are many reasons and benefits.…

February 16, 2017

How Not To Put CJM on the Shelf

Creating a CJM just to put it on a shelf is a bad idea. You customer journey maps must be…

February 13, 2017

Top 5 pitfalls when doing Customer Journey Mapping

There are so many ways to screw up when doing customer journey mapping. You don't want that. Let's see what…

January 18, 2017

Se7en things to look at when journey mapping

What should be taken into consideration when analyzing a customer journey map? In this post, we'll give you seven things…

January 8, 2017

Hit the touchpoints, Jack

When you hear about customer journey mapping, it's hard to skip the word "touchpoint". It comes up quite often. What…

December 30, 2016

Good, better, the CJM

Customer journey mapping looks like a great technique. From the first glance, it might look too good to be true.…

December 28, 2016

The 6 targets you will hit with CJM

What exactly does CJM help you accomplish? Why is there a need for doing customer journey mapping in the first…

December 13, 2016

Take it personally, it’s not just business

What are personas? Why would you want to create them? In this article, we're going to dive into the concept…

December 8, 2016

5 reasons why CJM might not be the weapon of your choice

Customer journey mapping is the new black in the world of UX. You might have heard a lot about it.…

October 27, 2016