
Webinar: multiple personas on one journey map

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If there are several personas with similar journeys, do you build separate maps for each of them? You can create multiple-persona journey maps if you want and then act on them. However, there is one more way to get more insights from these personas: by comparing their experiences on one map.

To help you master mapping multiple-persona journeys, UXPressia is hosting a free webinar on Multiple Personas On One Journey Map on Thursday, December 3.

At the event, we'll cover such questions as what multiple-persona journey maps are and the cases where it’s best to use them. You'll find out how such maps can help you compare different personas’ experiences, get even more insights than when using one-persona maps, and learn how to create multiple-persona journey maps in UXPressia. 

The session will be followed by a Q&A section. So start preparing your questions 😉

Missed the webinar?

Watch the recording!

Kristina Margulets

Content Writer at UXPressia

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