Want to enjoy 2 days of practicing interviewing techniques, try different roles, and receive valuable feedback? Join our Power of…
Learn how to use service blueprints to examine and understand people's experience with a product/service.
Check out the Banking for Business CJM Template to find out possible stages of your clients’ journey, their goals, expectations,…
Have you been dreaming about the UXPressia Pro plan for a long time? How about doing it with a 30%…
Journey mapping works miracles for employee experience design. Still, many HR teams get cold feet as it seems too overwhelming.…
Do you want to create impactful apps and offer solutions with positive effects on people’s habits? Read the article by…
We used to think 1 persona was enough for a CJM. If journeys are similar, why have more maps? Let's…
We've just introduced collaboration improvements. Find out them all in our new blog post.
Want to improve your interviewing skills? All you need is to practice in the right company of experts and like-minded…
Learn how journey mapping can be used when building and launching a business.
The Version History is now available in UXPressia's CJM, IM, and Personas tools. Read the update to learn how it…
Discover the benefits of building customer journey maps and personas in UXPressia.
Learn what are the next steps after you finished mapping your buying journey.