Kristina Margulets

Journey Mapping Talks: The Truth behind Personas

Our next event from Journey Mapping Talks series is dedicated to personas. Come to learn how to build and use…

July 31, 2020

Journey Mapping Talks on July 28: Experience Mapping

UXPressia is holding a free online event dedicated to experience mapping. Join to know more about experience maps and get…

July 21, 2020

Meetup on July 23: Journey Mapping In Healthcare

UXPressia is continuing a series of online healthcare journey mapping meetups. Three experts will share insights from their experience and…

July 20, 2020

Live interview on June 30: patient journey mapping

Join us to listen to a live interview with our friend, Ilonka Coenraad, the Founder of Patient Journey Lab, who…

June 29, 2020

New Template: content assets for an online store

Check out a new UXPressia template for an online store with a special focus on content assets. We covered formats,…

June 5, 2020

Introducing channels update and persona colors improvements

Check out UXPressia update: industry-specific channel icons and persona colors improvements.

June 4, 2020

Working from home with UXPressia

There's a difference between mapping customer journeys when working in an office and doing it remotely. UXPressia has all you…

May 19, 2020