Hi there, fellow journey mappers!
It's time for something grand, like an amazing new Dashboard that will significantly enhance your experience.
Remember this?
It has turned into this:
We’ve replaced folders and projects with tags to help you better structure your work.
Each document can have multiple tags, giving you more flexibility.
In your workspace, there are two types of tags:
You can create, delete, rename, reorder, hide, and customize tags as you see fit.
You can assign a workspace tag to a specific level, so that whenever new documents are created with such a tag, they are automatically added to this level.
Additionally, you can filter out specific document types (e.g., exclude personas and impact maps) or hide specific documents.
If you already had a Design View set up, no worries. We've automatically added level-name tags to the documents.
Are you as excited about this update as we are? Now, all we can say is...
P.S. Don’t know how to organize your dashboard with tags? Watch our video guide.