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Yulia Busel
Yulia Busel is UXPressia Events & Community Manager. She likes to bring people together and create memorable experiences for them. Consider her lucky: she does it daily! She likes to travel alone and is terrified of llamas.

Journey Mapping Ideation Strategies workshop on March 30


Do you ever get stuck when working on a map? Or are you looking for new ways to generate ideas in your journey maps? We’ve got a new workshop for you to produce even more valuable ideas and identify more opportunities to enhance the customer experience 😉

On Tuesday, March 30, join our 4-hour online workshop to learn and practice nine unique strategies for generating actionable ideas on how to improve your customer experience, product, or service. Each strategy creates a new angle that uncovers alternative ways to act upon your customer journey map.

journey mapping ideation

The authors, Yana Sanko, Head of Consulting at UXPressia, and Nick Efimov, CPO at UXPressia Academy, will guide you through all the strategies to help you start applying them to the map to see what kind of ideas you can find with each of them.

What’s inside?

  • Why go beyond problem-solving when looking at the map with your team;
  • 9 ideation strategies to fix what is broken, optimize the experience, and look at the map strategically;
  • Useful online facilitation tips for your next journey mapping workshop.

Who is it for?

The JM Ideation Strategies workshop is for anyone who works or is going to work with customer journey mapping. Participants will need to have a general understanding of what CJM is and/or some minimal experience building a journey map before.

Special offers

  • Want to come to the workshop with your friend or a colleague? Or are you a part of the education and non-profit organization? We offer a discount for you and your team!
  • Got specific questions about customer journey mapping? Yana and Nick offer a 1-on-1 coaching session. Add it to your ticket and get advice and ideas for your next mapping project.

The tickets are limited, so what are you waiting for? 😉

P.S. Can't join this time? Register your interest and we will send you the new date of the journey mapping ideation strategies workshop.

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