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Yulia Busel
Yulia Busel is UXPressia Events & Community Manager. She likes to bring people together and create memorable experiences for them. Consider her lucky: she does it daily! She likes to travel alone and is terrified of llamas.

New event: experience mapping trends with Jim Kalbach


How much do you know about experience mapping? Want to know more about this methodology and learn where it’s heading? 

This Thursday, March 18, join our free online event and find out all that and even more from Jim Kalbach, Chief Evangelist at MURAL and the author of Mapping Experiences.

Jim will cover fundamentals of experience mapping to set a baseline before outlining five trends in the field:

  • Facilitation as a core part of mapping;
  • Increased focus on multichannel experiences;
  • Rise of mapping as a management activity;
  • The inclusion of employee experience;
  • Application of experience mapping outside of commercial settings.

The session will be followed by an interview with our Founder, Yuri Vedenin, and a Q&A session. So be sure to prepare questions to ask at the end of the event.

Can’t make it live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a recording 😉

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