Want a live walkthrough session in a professional customer journey mapping tool? Request a demo session with sales!
Katerina Kondrenko
Experienced content creator with a passion for research, French bulldogs, and British cats. Katerina has an economics degree but prefers letters to numbers. She has been exploring different audiences for popular culture projects, was involved in the creative development process, and now she’s playing in the CX field.

New event: Quick guide to complex & non-linear mapping | Mar 6


Understanding your customers' journey with your brand is super important. It helps you see what your customers go through and shows your team where they can make things better for them. But making these journey maps isn't always easy. Sometimes, it gets tricky, especially when the journey doesn't follow a straight line or when you're dealing with business customers.

Let's dive into the world of complex journey maps

We're having a special event to talk all about these complicated journey maps. We want to help you figure out how to deal with them and make things clearer for you and your team.

What you'll learn

At this event, you're going to learn a bunch of useful stuff:

  • Different kinds of maps. We'll show you the range of journey maps out there, from simple ones to really detailed ones, and how to keep them organized.
  • How to share big maps. Learn the best ways to show your team big, detailed journey maps without making everyone confused.
  • Mapping complex & non-linear journeys. We'll go over how to map out journeys that aren't straight lines, which is super common in the digital world and with business customers.
  • Seeing it in action. We'll share some real examples of both simple and complicated journey maps so you can see how it's done.

What you'll take away

After our event, you'll have:

  • Better journey maps. You'll know how to make clear and useful journey maps, no matter how complicated.
  • Work better together. You and your team will get better at working together on improving customer experience.
  • New ideas. You'll find new ways to make your customers' experience even better using what you learn from mapping their journeys.

Plus an artifact (for those who stay till the end of the event 😉):

  • A complex CJM example to download and tweak to your case.

As always, we'll wrap things up with a Q&A session, giving you the chance to dive deeper into any questions you have on the topic. 

📹 And don't worry if you can't join us live—we'll be recording the entire event and sharing it with everyone who registers. So, go ahead and sign up, even if you can't attend in real-time.

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