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Customer Journey

Good, better, the CJM


Customer journey mapping looks like a great technique. From the first glance, it might look too good to be true. So… are there any alternatives to CJM? Let’s figure it out.

The 6 targets you will hit with CJM

targets you will hit with customer journey mapping

What exactly does CJM help you accomplish? Why is there a need for doing customer journey mapping in the first place? We got you 6 good reasons how CJM can help your business. Read on!

5 reasons why CJM might not be the weapon of your choice

Why customer journey mapping may not be the weapon of your choice

Customer journey mapping is the new black in the world of UX. You might have heard a lot about it. It might be that someone pushes you to try it. Before you do, read this post – there is a chance that you don’t need CJM. Though it’s very unlikely.

Looking for fancy UX tools? Meet Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping is a great technique to use when you want to understand how your business performs from your customers’ standpoint. It allows you to put together all the data you have and order it in a clear and comprehensive way. In this post, we’ll look into what this technique is and why you UXPressia is a great way to build customer journey maps!