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Tanya Levdikova
Head of Content @ UXPressia

Update: Workspace Admin Statistics, Product Backlog, and More


After the exciting start of the year, we’ve rolled out a few more new features that will give workspace admins more visibility over teammates’ activity in the workspace, enable advanced copying and moving of maps and personas, and take product planning to the whole new level. 

Here is what’s new in UXPressia 4.31:

Workspace Admin Statistics

As a workspace admin, you might want to gain instant visibility of how your team uses the workspace. We’ve got you covered now!

To gain an insight into your team’s activity, go to the Workspace page. You’ll see an analytics overview there.

Workspace admin stats UXPrressia

To get an in-depth view of the activity within the workspace, you can download a csv file with a detailed report.

Note: to be able to view the statistics, you must be the workspace admin or super admin.

Maps and Personas: Advanced Copying and Moving

Now you can copy the structure of your maps and personas and copy and move maps and personas together with other maps/personas which you linked to them.

Copying and Moving Linked Maps and Personas

Moving maps and personas linked to other maps/personas has become extremely easy. 

To copy/move a map/persona together with other maps/personas that are linked to it, check the box near the “Copy/Move all linked maps/personas” option and confirm the action.

moving linked maps

Copying the Structure

There’s one more new option for the “copy” action: when copying a map or persona, you can clear the content inside it.

This feature is useful when you want to copy the structure of a map/persona, not the information it contains. 

clear all content uxpressia

Pinning CJM Substages

Customer journey maps often have substages, and after the update it’s up to you to decide whether to show or hide them during the scroll.

pinning stages in UXPressia

Say “Yes” to More Processes and Channels

We noticed that the ability to add five channels per process was not enough for some of our users to reflect their customers’ behavior. 

Forget about that! Now you can add up to ten channels per process to the “Process and Channels” section of your customer journey map, more clearly visualizing the customer’s path at different stages of their journey. 

customer journey map stages

Impact Map Backlog View

With this release, we’re introducing a Backlog View for impact maps that makes prioritizing user stories and planning product iterations times easier. 

Now, you can prioritize your user stories and track your progress in a dedicated space — the Backlog View. Think of it as of your product backlog.

UXPressia backlog view

In the Backlog View, there’s a table with all the user stories you’ve added. We organized them in a table with a single purpose — to allow you to manage them effectively.

user stories backlog view

First of all, you need to prioritize your user stories using the scoring system that works very simple: 

  1. Estimate the effort to implement a user story (the “ESTIMATE” variable) and how much benefit it will bring to your business (the “VALUE” variable). 
  2. The system calculates the score based on these variables. 
  3. Now you can sort User Stories by their score to see which one to implement first, second, and so on.

The higher the score is, the more critical the user story to your product success is.

Once you are done with scoring user stories, you can assign them to the iterations that you’ve added.

user story scoring uxpressia

You can also track your progress by marking user stories: once you mark a user story as complete, the progress bar on the left will indicate the progress you’ve made in working on a specific iteration.

product backlog uxpressia

More Power Over Columns in Impact Maps

Starting today, you can resize columns in your impact maps. Changing the size of a column will help you add as many details to the cells inside it without sacrificing the total look of your map. 

resizing impact map columns

More New Features Coming Soon

We’ve got more new features in the pipeline. Which ones? Stay tuned and you’ll find out pretty soon. 

Try out the new features we released today and let us know whether you like them or not.

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