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Yulia Ibragimova
Product Manager at UXPressia Academy

Meet Personas, New Course at UXPressia Academy


Our interactive learning platform UXPressia Academy launched a new practical course — Personas.

New practical Personas Course from UXPressia Academy

Why Personas?

Personas are an essential part of customer journey maps. But they also represent a strategic tool for decision making, which is often underestimated or misused.

We believe in the power of this tool so much that we decided to launch a new course to debunk myths about it and teach everyone interested in personas how to properly create them and use them in practice. 

What’s inside the course?

Many think that personas are all about marketing and UX design. But they can be used for much more —  from developing empathy with customers and building a customer-centric culture across departments to long-term strategic planning.

We built the course around a financial case to show how personas can aid in business decision-making. The same as our Customer Journey Mapping course, it's interactive and involves playing for a fictional character. The character inside the Personas course wants to launch a CX initiative at a large national bank.

A playing character Douglas from Personas Course

Working on this case, students will debunk myths and misconceptions about personas and learn how to approach persona projects step by step and segment the target audience based on behavioral attributes.

They will also learn how to define personas' goals, motivations, and needs, structure a persona profile, deal with persona creation pitfalls, and many other things that will help them to master building effective, research-based personas.

Need more details? Inside the course you will find:

Tips on getting management buy-in

When it comes to launching a whole new initiative in a company, gaining management's approval and support is the first step towards a successful project. This course will arm you with everything you need to prepare for getting management buy-in for a persona-based project. 

Lots of research data to work with

An effective persona is a data-driven persona. The course teaches how to collect data according to specific purposes, what methods and when to use for that, how to segment the target audience and transform raw data into a data-driven persona.

Useful resources

The course is packed with useful materials (available to download) to use in future persona-related projects.

After the course, students will get cheat cards, persona templates, and interview questions templates

Self-paced and engaging learning

There is no boredom while studying — the Personas Course is conversation-based and interactive, with no set deadlines. 

Learn whenever you have time and interest, enjoy the chatbot format, and take advantage of loads of practical tasks and helpful strategies for completing them.

UXPressia Academy course gif

Practice with real software

You’ll be able to use real, industry-standard software from the very beginning. The UXPressia tool will help you get a taste of what it is like to be working on a real persona project. And the best thing is that you’ll have a ready-to-go persona template at the end of the course 😉

Ready to dive into building personas?

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