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Sofia Grigoreva
Sofia is a staff content writer for UXPressia. Between stretches of blog posts and journey mapping guides, you might find her working out or re-reading Harry Potter.

How to UX research in a challenging business environment | Jan 18


In a perfect world, stakeholders would recognize the value of UX and generously give out funds and resources for new initiatives. The reality is often quite different. Deadlines are tight, budgets are small, colleagues are not eager to participate, and decision-makers have doubts. So how do you, as a UX specialist, make a convincing case for research projects?

Here’s a shortcut: let someone else do the hard part of trial and error. Look at their best insights, take on winning strategies, and watch out for roadblocks and pitfalls. Nick Groeneveld, a senior UX & service designer and founder of The Designer’s Toolbox, will be sharing his extensive research experience at our next online event.

how to ux research event banner

Tune in next Wednesday, January 18, to learn:

📍 How to make a business case for UX research and get stakeholder buy-in;

📍 Common objections that higher management has and how to handle them;

📍 Ways to gather and engage the right people around your research project;

📍 Tips for targeting and recruiting relevant users for research purposes.

💬 Make sure to stay for the Q&A session right after the talk. It’s the perfect opportunity to get some general or case-specific advice for your UX challenges.


Missed the session? Then, watch its recording!

P.S. You might also want to read Nick's customer journey-based UX research tips.

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