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Tanya Levdikova
Tanya Levdikova is the head of Content at UXPressia. She is a content strategist and digital marketing enthusiast with 10+ years in the tech industry. Her writing spans a variety of topics across business, software development, e-commerce, blockchain, AI, UX, and CX.

UXPressia Black Friday Sale 2019: 50% off

black friday 2019

Today starts the Black Friday sale @ UXPressia! Enter the discount code at the Billing tab of your workspace to take 50% off either annual or monthly PRO plan.

Updated CJM Template: Mobile App User Journey Map

Updated mobile app template

We’re going to give you an idea of how mobile users choose apps. In our updated template of mobile app user journey map, you’ll find a customer journey of a John, a high-school student.

Customer Journey Mapping Research Report 2019

A quick overview of the Customer Journey Mapping Report prepared by UXPressia team. The report is based on results of the survey we conducted this May.