Yup, another Thursday, another update. Say hello to impact map export (hooray!), auto-generated invoices, auto-sharing and a page with release notes!
Export Impact Maps!
It's finally here! Now you can export your impact maps in PNG or PDF (both light and dark version).
Take your impact maps offline, present them or just put on a wall so that all stakeholders can see it.
Generate Invoices
Yes! Invoices are now available on the Billing tab in your profile! Click any link and you will get a pretty PDF invoice. No need to contact us and wait.
Auto Sharing
Now you can share all projects between all team members automatically!
Just go to your profile, click on the User Management tab and toggle that "Automatically share projects between teammates" switch. Voila!
Your projects will become visible to all team members as long as the toggle switch is on.
No more manual sharing. What a relief, eh?
What's New Page
The version in the footer is now clickable and it leads to the "What's new" page where you can see the evolution of UXPressia! Awesome!
So there's that. All updates for the version 3.3.0. Enjoy! 🙂