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Arthur McCay

Updates: CJM Templates, Projects Drag’n’Drop


Did you know that back in history Thursday meant The Holy Update Rollouts Day? Of course, you didn’t. We just made it up! But what’s true is that we are so excited that you enjoy working with UXPressia that we simply cannot stop making it better and better. So today, we have two awesome updates that you will absolutely love.



Remember all those times, when you wanted to use an identical persona or a map in a different project, you thought “oh, I wish I didn’t have to copy everything manually”? Or you just wanted to do some cleanup, but again – no way to just move maps and personas beyond its project. Or you wanted to change the order of project in the dash. Guess what! Now you don’t have to go through this anymore.

Since this very moment, there's drag'n'drop for everything. If you want to reuse a persona or a map in a different project, all you have to do is make a copy of whatever you want to reuse and drag it to another project. Feel like cleaning up a little and adding some order to your dash? Grab a project by its left side and drag it wherever you want it to be. Piece of cake!

With this, you can achieve your mapping goals faster, with fewer pains and with less mess. Moving stuff across projects and projects across the dashboard is a tiny thing, but it will make a big difference once you try it yourself!


customer journey map template

We were surprised by an enormous amount of feedback about templates. To make templates more handy and inspiring, we decided to push it one step further.

From now on, every template will have its own page where you can find not only the template itself but also a set of helpful links and relevant maps gathered from all over the web!
No more googling your fingers off when trying to search for a specific map – everything in one place, carefully selected and wrapped by UXPressia. It’s an absolute dream comes true. Check this out!

Another thing we want these pages to have is a pre-filled map for each template. You can use it as a hint, or to scoop an insight or two. Anyway, it’s a great thing to have. And this leads us to the next important piece of news.



Since we want template pages to have even more examples of completed maps, we need these maps! But who can make them better than you, guys?

If you work on a map for the hotel industry, chances are you know a lot about hotels. You can share your knowledge and help others by filling the hotel template and sharing it with us.
For each map you share you’ll get a free one-month pro use of UXPressia!

You can share a real map you’re currently working on (removing all sensitive information) or, if for some reason you cannot do that, take a template and fill it with some insightful ideas of yours. Share the map with us (support@uxpressia.com). We’ll review your map and get in touch with you.

And by the way, we accept maps in all languages! So if your map is not in English – no worries, we will take it!

So there’s that! We hope these new features will fit in your mapping life perfectly bringing more efficiency and productivity to your workflow!
We also hope that you will keep sharing your thoughts on our product so we can make it better, so in turn, you can make your products better for your customers.

And for now, enjoy new features and let the UX force be with you!

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