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Arthur McCay

Updates: Personas Photo Generator & User Management


Phew! That’s a whale of an update. This time it is a photo generator for personas and user management we’re bringing to you. Sounds intriguing? Let’s have a closer look.

Photo Generator


Remember all those times you googled your fingers off trying to find the perfect photo for your persona? One is way too ideal, the other looks fine but you’re not sure if it’s legal to use it.

Well, guess what. The photo generator has finally made it to production!

From now on, every time you need a nice photo for one of your personas you don’t have to jump around stock photo archives or google images.

Just click +ADD PHOTO, select the sex of your persona and choose among thousands of photogenic photos provided by UIFaces.com. Neato!

And this feature is available both to Pro and free users! Isn’t that fantastic?

One Account to Rule Them All

This one is a biggie. Enterprise folks will love it. User management allows you to invite, say, your teammates, pay for their subscriptions as well as cancel their plans.

Perfect for teams where more than one member uses UXPressia. Handling multiple users’ subscriptions is a feature many of you anticipated and here it is.


User management can be found in your profile right next to the billing tab.

Should we say you have to be a Pro user to do this kind of magic? This thingy will certainly ease the process of (un)subscribing multiple users leaving more time for your team to create journeys and personas!

These are all updates for today. Hope they’ll make your journey with UXPressia easier and more fun saving more time for you to do what really matters. Let's get to it then!

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