Want to see a professional customer journey mapping tool in action? Request a demo session with sales!
Arthur McCay

Case Study: Yana Mowat from Ambergreen


A story from Yana Mowat from Ambergreen where she tells about how UXPressia helped her map student journey, save a lot of time and impress their new client.

Case Study: Maya Grossman from Colu


An interesting case study from Maya Grossman of Colu. Maya tells of her experience with UXPressia and how CJM Online saved her time and effort.

Update: Up Up and Undo!

Restore deleted projects

In this update we refined the dashboard, ability to restore deleted projects and files, new social icons and better export for CJM!

Update: Impact Mapping Online Beta


We announce that Impact Mapping Online Tool is finally here! Now you can create and share Impact Maps online with UXPressia!

Update: New Sharing Functionality


New update is here! In this update we added a better and more flexible sharing functionality and a few cool visual improvements.