Are you going to build an employee journey map? Read this article first to wrap your mind around the methodology. Lots of ideas, tips, and a comprehensive template to use included.
Our new whitepaper is applicable to any industry and business. Read it to learn why employee experience is vital and how to approach employee journey mapping in the most efficient way.
Check out the Banking for Business CJM Template to find out possible stages of your clients’ journey, their goals, expectations, pain points, and the opportunities you have to improve their experience.
Are you going to build a journey map for your patients? Or just interested in improving their experience but have no idea how? Meet our healthcare journey cheat cards deck that will guide you on this way.
Have you been traveling recently? Or maybe someone shared their experience with you? Anyway, you might have a grasp of what today’s travelers face due to COVID-19 restrictions. The rest is covered for you by us in our newest journey map template.