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Update: Up Up and Undo!

Restore deleted projects

In this update we refined the dashboard, ability to restore deleted projects and files, new social icons and better export for CJM!

Updates: New CJM Section and Help Chat


Today, we are bringing you another load of new features! Yes, we’ve just rolled out a few updates that will certainly level up the experience you get when working with UXPressia. Feel like taking a quick tour around the Update City? We do!

Updates: CJM Templates, Projects Drag’n’Drop

We’ve made a few nice tweaks to UXPressia. Such moving stuff around the dashboard and a new refined CJM Templates page where each template has a bunch of useful thingies you can use to scoop insights. Check it out!

Holiday Beta Updates: Personas & New Dashboard!


Ho ho ho! The New Year 2017 just knocked at our door and that holiday whoop-de-do is just starting to cool off. Throughout the whole year, elves from UXPressia have been busy as a one-legged striker during the Super Cup. We’ve been making something really special. And we do have something to show for it. […]

Happy New Year from UXPressia


Dear members of UXPressia family, We’ve been working insanely hard for the last few months skipping brunches and lunches so you can enjoy the brand new Dashboard and Personas. And trust us, you are getting them all with a nice red bow on top. All we want from you is a pinch of patience as […]