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Arthur McCay

A look back at 2018, and ahead to 2019


This year has been a busy year for UXPressia as I'm sure it was for all of us. So many new features, new projects, new meetings, and partnerships. And as it often happens, being in the middle of this, we tend to forget the importance of making a pause and looking back at everything that's been accomplished.

In this New Year post, we'd like to do exactly that - recap everything that happened in 2018. And give you a peek into what will be happening in the new year.

Starting with numbers


We've doubled - and sometimes tripled - most of our key metrics. That goes beyond just exciting and lands itself right into fantastic. This would not be possible without your help so we thank you.

Also, at the beginning of the year, we've asked you what features and improvements would make your job easier. The top voted features (over 40% of votes) were:

And we are proud to say that we've brought all these features during 2018! And if you have more awesome ideas on what we should add to our tools, then don't hesitate and drop us an email. 😉



We've been selected as a Hot Vendor in Customer Journey Mapping 2018 by Aragon Research.

And we don't need to tell you what this means to a young and small company like ourselves. This is definitely a huge achievement and it sets a high bar for us in 2019.

UXPressia Academy

For many years we’ve been teaching service design, customer journey mapping, personas and everything that falls under the umbrella of design thinking. And we see the demand for quality education in this field is growing like never before.

More and more companies see the value in becoming customer-centric. The demand is enormous and this year we decided to do something about this.

And we're so thrilled to finally say that we are launching our brand new product - UXPressia Academy It's a cloud-based educational platform that will help companies become human-centric at scale. It is in beta now and we'll be rolling it out in early 2019.

Here's a short presentation that will give you a good understanding of what to expect from UXPressia Academy.

Plans for 2019

And as for our New Year’s resolution, here are some of the plans we have for 2019.

It goes without saying that we will keep treating you with UXPressia awesomeness. 🙂

First, you can expect a whole pack of new features for 2019. Some of the hottest features coming out in Jan-Feb are

  • Multiple personas support for journey maps.
  • Google analytics integration.
  • Ability to add substages on the customer journey maps.
  • More customization for personas (stay tuned!)

We are also going to finish beta testing UXPressia Academy and present it to the public at the beginning of the year.

And by the way, we invite you to keep track of our progress using our public roadmap and vote for features you need the most.

Thank you for being with us this year. Happy holidays to you and your family!

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